News in 2.4:
- Receiving and displaying news
- New update process, so the update must be installed manually
- Fixing known bugs
- Code optimization and changing file storage from ini to Json
- It is not mandatory to specify the length for music and videos
News in 2.3:
- Excel import
- Editable help
- Open language file to edit
- When editing, only the edited category is visible
- Possibility to send an error message
- Code optimalisation
- Setup flat buttons
- Upgrade to .NET 4.6.1
- German language
News in 2.2:
- New and more icons
- Change colors and use themes
- Download IMDB datas at movies
News in 2.0:
- Migrating the program to .NET 4.0
- Switch languages
- Settings
- At movies more details (more categories)
- Personal lists
- Owner, stored at place and loans given
- Store picture’s path or copy pictures to your set folder
- Read MediaInfo from files (one by one)
- Convert the file from ver. 1.x to ver. 2.0.
- Manually update from Internet (beta and finally)
- English language