This program made by me because firstly I had a register in Excel but at the end it became unmanageable in the Excel version because it was very huge. I had decided and based on my basic Pascal and Delphi programming knowledge I have started to develop this program and finished with version 1.0.
Later I had the opportunity to know the .NET C# development environment so the work went on this. In the middle of the work long time has passed out. At the and I have continoud again and it has become a hobby and after some months the version 2.0 has been finished. The new version contains more categories, personnal list with more setup option, language files and online upgrade option.
Additional info:
Firstly I have started the version 2.0 in WPS C#. After this unfortunately the development has stopped for years so when I have started again I looked it up Microsoft will not develop this environment anymore, they will launch new solutions. So I made in Windows forms the completed codes. It caused difficulties because the graphical user interface had been changed as well. Fortunately I could use the biggest part of the background codes. Only I had to be transcribed these codes which was WPF specific. It takes less time so the enlargement has started.