The programme is suitable for register the following things: CDs, DVDs, Music songs, DVD/BD/UHDs and DivX films/videos, games, programmes, VHS casettes, books, e-books and personal lists.

Listazo Main window

Here is the main screen:

New data record window

During data creation you can see the following picture (on albums tab):

Search result

Searching is available option in all categories. For example if you search for Elvis the system will list the hits (Artist):

Search result

Possible to serch for the song name. In this case the system filter all albums and shows also the album & song names:

Settings window

Setup options are on next screen. Our plan is to expand the opportunities here:

New data record window – combobox filled

Choosing the second option during our data filling the system will read our old data and we can choose from this. During data editation we can also use this option (3rd option). The 2nd and 3rd option can use independently:

Searching function is working under all categories and available regarding the most fields 🙂

I hope this short description is useful for you and will give you the pleasure of trying out the program. 🙂